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cartoon part time mermaid sirenetta from indie animated movie

After first surfacing on YouTube in 2013, Nettie and her friends are embarking on

their biggest adventure yet; a Feature Length Movie!

When an anxious young merperson named Archie comes to Nettie looking for help, our part-time mermaid has to dive back into adventure alongside her fiance Freckles and best friend Calypso. Together, the four new friends have to travel the world in search of the Terzetto Treasure; a magical artifact that will stop Voda Yaga, a wicked sea witch, from draining all life out of the ocean.

The script is locked, the dialogue recorded, and animation is underway!

We hope to send "Sirenetta: Part-Time Mermaid" to film festivals in late 2024

Written & Directed by

Matt Bruneau-Richardson


Ashleigh Heaton as Nettie

Blake Cordell as Freckles

Blair Greene-Osako as Calypso

Jujubee as Archie

Jinkx Monsoon as Voda Yaga

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