Now Hiring
2D Animators
Tiny Siren Animation is looking for 2D character animators with prior freelance experience to work on our independent feature film
Sirenetta: Part-Time Mermaid

Animators must have experience in Adobe Animate using both traditional animation and symbol/rigged puppet animation.
Working with the director and using provided animatics and character models, animators must be able to take animation through a rough animation pass and deliver a final, full-color, clean up pass.
Animators must be able to complete 1-3 minutes of animation within a 3 month production cycle.
Artists will use Google Drive to share and organize files and keep in regular communication through our Discord server.
We are looking for artists who communicate often and openly, and who are collaborative and receptive to constructive criticism.
Pay: $900 USD per minute of completed animation.
Work begins January, 2025
Please submit your Demo Reel and Website to no later than November 27th, 2024