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  • Writer's pictureMatt Bruneau-Richardson

"I'm just a *little* mermaid"

Since World Ocean's Day back in June, episodes of "Sirenetta & the Second Star" have been rolling out on Amazon Video, and as of this morning the finale is finally here. Episode 6, "Disbelief," is now streaming on Amazon, and I can't believe our show is over.

When we began working on Sirenetta back in the fall of 2013, we had no idea we'd be where we are now. We were just five friends from college teaming up to make cartoons, which we thought we'd post on YouTube sometime in 2015. We never expected Amazon would give us, as independent creators, a platform to broadcast our show to its members. We pushed ourselves more than we'd ever pushed ourselves before, which delayed the project but ultimately resulted in visuals we're incredibly proud of.

Finally, we didn't know working on "Sirenetta" in our spare time would lead to the formation of a company. An animation company has always been a dream of mine, but a dream I thought was years away. I am so happy it's here and grown out of the teamwork and friendship based around "Sirenetta" - that's why our little mermaid has become our logo.

Our lives have completely changed from how they were when we began. Some of us have moved on to new careers in illustration and technology. Some of us have moved into new homes, started new relationships and families, all growing into adulthood. Personally, I've graduated college, gotten new jobs and left bad jobs, fallen in love and gotten married. I've lost my grandparents, who the final episode of "Sirenetta" is dedicated to - this weekend marks one year since the loss of my Grandfather.

Sirenetta has been there through all of that - working on this massive project has been the one constant for me and my team-mates for nearly four years now. It's weird waking up and not working on her story in some way, shape, or form anymore. It feels like a friend I spoke to every day has moved away.

Cartoon Mermaid Princess Sirenetta

Now, we grow our business, expanding Tiny Siren's offerings and finding new stories to tell. I'm not sure Sirenetta's story is over, I could probably come up with new chapters for Nettie for the rest of my life, but there are other stories I, and the other members of Tiny Siren, want to tell. There's a lot of unknown that comes with finishing a big project, but I'm excited to see what surfaces next. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

-Matt Bruneau-Richardson'

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